We the people of St MacCullins Parish, Lusk, will identify the pastoral and spiritual needs of our parishioners. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will encourage and support our community to use their gifts and talents to meet these needs. We will be faithful in serving the Word of God by reaching out and welcoming all in the spirit of all caring for all.
We the people of St MacCullin's Parish, Lusk, will serve God by gathering regularly to celebrate the Sacraments and by listening to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will always be guided by our concern and care for the spiritual well-being of our community. We will welcome newcomers and visitors to our Christian community. We will respect the individual faith of others by our Christian belief in justice, equality and peace. We will ask the Holy Spirit to give us the courage to accept and embrace change in our Catholic Church. We will constantly pray to Jesus Christ for guidance in encouraging more of our community to help in carrying out the mission of God in our parish.

25 June 2023
In the Gospel passage, Jesus forewarns His disciples about the trials and persecutions they will encounter as they carry out their mission of spreading His message. While acknowledging the physical risks they may face, Jesus emphasises that the well-being and eternal salvation of their souls are of greater significance. This teaching highlights the paramount importance of placing our trust in God’s care, even in the midst of challenging circumstances.
Jesus’s words remind us that our ultimate focus should be on the health and salvation of our souls rather than on temporal concerns. He encourages his disciples—and, by extension, all believers—to place their unwavering trust in God’s love and provision. Jesus assures them that God knows them intimately, valuing each person with deep compassion and care. This message serves as a profound reminder of the infinite love and concern God has for each one of us.
Amidst the trials and tribulations we encounter, we are called to emulate the disciples’ trust in God’s care. By having faith in God’s love and providence, we can find solace, strength and hope in the knowledge that God knows us intimately and is attentive to our needs.
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Chapel Rd, Causestown, Lusk, Co. Dublin